Fillers: A Bleaching Hazard?
In last issue’s eZine, one of our expert’s suggestions for a question related to Sealing Plywood Edges with Paint mentioned Bondo®-type filler.
Painted Wood: A Sin?; Radial Arm Saws: OK for Dadoing?
In last issue’s eZine, Rob asked whether painting wood was “a sin, or just very wrong.”
Additional Wishes for a Happy Fourth
In last issue’s eZine, Rob wished our U.S. readers a happy Fourth of July (Independence Day in the U.S.). Several American readers also wanted to express their patriotism.
Response to Floor Question: Don’t Forget the Appliances
In last issue’s eZine, one of the questions in our Q&A section asked “Which Comes First: Cabinets or Finished Floor?”
The Names You Call Yourselves
Last time out, Rob asked in his editorial about what you call yourself when it comes to working with wood – whether that is “woodworker,” “woodturner,” or some other appellation.
Big Slabs are the Best – for Some
In his editorial last time out, Rob shared that lately, he has found fun in working with thick slabs of lumber, and asked if anyone else was working with it.
Quiz Commentary, Workbench Mobility and More
In last issue’s eZine, we launched a Quiz section. Some readers had fun with the quiz (or our introduction of it).
Thoughts on Spring Cleaning a Shop, Limed Oak, Shaker Tables
In the last issue of the eZine, Rob mentioned in his editorial that he had been spring cleaning his shop. This sparked some reaction.
April Fool’s Reactions; Pet Shop Safety Tips; Removing Rust
We began April, of course, with the annual April Fool’s Day edition of the Woodworker’s Journal eZine.
Dog and Cat Shop Companions (with Photos)
In his editorial last time out, Rob asked about eZine readers’ shop pets, and asked for pictures.