Thoughts on Magnets, Exterior Mahogany, Etc.
Readers responded to last issue’s eZine with comments on organization via magnets, finishes for a mahogany garage door, and options for reducing tearout.
Planning vs. Production
A reader admits to falling prey to holiday gift time “planning” (aka, procrastination) vs. production.
In Appreciation of Veterans and Corpsmen
Readers express appreciation of veterans and corpsmen — plus answer, and ask, questions about doublestick tape.
Your Thoughts on the New
In the last issue of the eZine, Rob’s editorial announced the official launch of the new Woodworker’s Journal website (which is why your eZine looks slightly different than it did in “the old days” … also known as a few weeks ago).
More Thoughts on Rip Cuts and Drill Bits, Bigger Motors and More
A few suggestions for setting up narrow rip cuts, installing a larger motor, preserving hook-and-loop disks.
Hook-and-Loop Sander Solutions; Folding Sandpaper in Fourths
In the Q and A section of eZine Issue 361 last time out, one of our readers asked about a problem he was having with his hook-and-loop sander. Here are some other readers’ thoughts on the subject.
CA Glue and “Smoke” Alarms
In last issue’s eZine, a woodworker asked “Why Did CA Glue Set Off My Smoke Alarm?” Insight on that issue came from another reader who – not coincidentally – works in the smoke and fire alarms industry.
Reusing Food Containers: Keep It Safe! (Plus: Saw Blade Pics)
Use Caution When Using Food Containers.
Insight on Epoxy
This reader wanted to share his insights on epoxy.
Bugs Bug Readers — and Their Trees
We heard from some readers who have had their own experiences with “bad bugs.”