Readers’ Router Bit Solutions
We share a few of the reader responses we got to Rob’s query about router bit storage.
Staying Sharp: Readers Talk About Sharpening Tools
eZine readers talk about how they keep their tools sharp (and whether they like doing so).
Woodworking in the Summertime
Readers respond to Rob’s question about their summertime woodworking habits.
What I Learned (in Woodworking) Over the Past 15 Years
Readers share the woodworking skills they’ve honed, projects they’ve tried, and woods they’ve fallen in love with over the past 15 years.
Wedded Bliss How-To (Part 3): Woodworker-Specific Advice
In yet more marital advice for Rob, readers provide insights into woodworkers’ wedded bliss: tool purchases, projects, shop time and more.
Wedded Bliss How-To (Part 2): What to Say
In this installment of the marriage advice woodworkers give to Rob in light of his upcoming wedding, the focus is on the specific words to say — often.
How to Have Wedded Bliss (The Leaf Blower Advice Edition)
Woodworkers provide an overwhelming response to Rob’s call for premarital advice. This week’s topic: whether cleaning the house with a leaf blower is good for marital harmony.
Reader Tips on How Buyers Can Beware
Readers react to last week’s editorial about a website that illegimately sells woodworking plans.
Fasteners for Lures?
A reader expresses concern about the strength of fishing lure fasteners in the face of trophy-sized fish. (Not really an issue…)
Out on the Lake
Readers send good wishes — and a desire to see photos — to our publisher for his turned lures and fishing trip.