Post-Season Woodworking
Readers commiserate with Rob on his football team (and share the value of woodworking as therapy).
Woodworkers’ New Year’s Resolutions
Woodworker’s Journal readers let us know about the skills (and the projects) they resolve to build in 2018.
Which Wood Figure?
Readers share their opinions about wood grain figure.
Woodworker-Built Hunting Supplies
Readers share how they have incorporated woodworking into their hunting hobby.
Tools: The Final Disposition
Readers share their plans and thoughts on the final disposition of their tools when they go, as one said, “to that great woodworking shop in the sky.”
Readers on Nut Woods
Readers tell about their experiences with nuts and nut woods, plus share additional suggestions for fixing a corner shelf and using a doweling jig.
Finishing: Reader Favorites, Plus Befuddlement
Readers share their thoughts about finishing their woodworking projects: go-to finishes plus ongoing confusion.
Readers’ Project Drawing and Design Methods
Readers share their methods for project drawing and design, whether that’s SketchUp, paper and pencil, or other software options.
What Constitutes a Good Workbench?
eZine readers share their “ideal” workbenches — and some bench dreams.
Readers’ Fall Woodworking Plans
eZine readers tell us about the woodworking projects they have planned for this fall.