What Sparked Your Woodworking, Plus Retirement Thoughts
Readers chime in about what got them into woodworking and why it continues on in retirement.
Memories of Chestnut
A reader shares thoughts about the demise of chestnut lumber.
Eye Candy!
Readers share pizza peel and trinket box projects.
Box Joints — Your Ins and Outs About Them
Readers weigh in on box joints and the jigs they build them with.
Craft Show Commentary
Readers share thoughts about selling woodworking projects at craft shows.
Your Origin Tool Stories
Readers share stories of special tools from their past.
Woods You Love to Use
Readers share their favorite wood species for woodworking and some wonderful photos of their projects.
Handling the Heat
Readers share their tips, trials and tribulations about woodworking during hot summers.
Giving Projects Away, Using Offcuts
Readers offer feedback about giving woodworking projects away and using offcuts.