I recently bought an over-the-stove microwave from a remodel that moved up to a stainless model. I did a quick measurement and found the microwave to be 30″ wide. When I got it home, I measured the unit more carefully, and it measures 30-1/16″. Worse yet, my current range measures only 29-7/8″. The cabinet opening is 3/4″ yellow pine. Any suggestions on how to fit the unit without disassembling the cabinet frame? – Doublen2
Tim Inman: “No good deed goes unpunished,” as the old saying goes. Appliances are made to standard sizes. Installers fit cabinets to the situation at hand. You’re probably the lucky victim of this couplet. Re-setting the cabinets to fit your “new” microwave is probably your only good option. Planing off a little here and there to re-fit to your new microwave is another option; messy, but an option. Another option is to go out and get a new microwave that will fit the hole you have. In the end, this would be cheaper and much less frustrating. Sell the one you have and move on …
Chris Marshall: I’m afraid I’m not exactly clear about the opening you have at hand. If the microwave needs to fit between the sides of two cabinets adjacent to it and it is 3/16″ too wide overall, I agree with Tim — the hassle of planing those two cabinet sides in order to squeeze the extra space is not worth it for a used microwave. And, I sure wouldn’t want to dismantle the bank of cabinets to spread them apart for this retrofit. On the other hand, if you are trying to fit the microwave inside of an upper cabinet, and it has a face frame on it, you might be able to shave the stiles with a jigsaw or a trim router and pattern bit run against a straightedge to create the extra space you need.