I have tried four or five different table saw blades before I settled on a general purpose Freud Fusion Blade for all my cutting. My question is what to do with these other blades? Are they recyclable, donate-able or what? – Don Price
Chris Marshall: You can recycle old saw blades, but just a few blades probably will be worth little, if anything, to a scrap metal dealer. Here’s another idea I’ve tried: contact the shop teachers of the middle and high schools in your area. If your school system is as budget-strapped as mine is, I bet those teachers would love to get some good quality, free saw blades for the school’s woodworking saws. My local middle school shop teacher was elated when I donated some blades, because they were much better quality than he normally buys, and he didn’t care a wink that they were used. I’m sure they are cutting wood in that school shop today. Or, try another worthy nonprofit, such as Habitat for Humanity.