Some of you may know that I am Minnesota-born and raised. One test of being a Minnesotan is if you have worn shorts and a parka — at the same time. So when it comes to inclement weather (you know, the kind that will kill you), I am much more adept at dealing with extreme cold rather than blistering heat. I’ll walk outside barefoot in January to unload the car, no big deal.
But tomorrow I head for Las Vegas, Nevada, for the AWFS woodworking trade show. Temperatures there are predicted to be over 100 degrees Fahrenheit for the week. I just may melt.
Now, folks down there try to soft-pedal it: “It’s a dry heat!” “It’s cool in the evenings …” To those comments, I say “So what!” I work during the day and my oven is a dry heat, too. I don’t stick my head in there.
Heatstroke aside, look to our website for reports from the show. We will have videos (sponsored by Titebond® glue) about new products and, if you check out our Facebook page, you may even catch a Facebook Live broadcast or two.
Now, I have to go buy sunscreen.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal