Those of us who have applied a traditional French Polish know of the technique’s benefits and its drawbacks. Its most important benefit is the remarkable finish it delivers. It has long been the measure of fine finishes. Drawbacks: you have to mix it up yourself and maybe even use weird things like pumice as you apply. It does not last long once you mix it. Now, thanks to Zinsser, the drawbacks are no longer a problem, but the benefits remain.
Under the Bulls Eye brand, Zinsser – the country’s biggest shellac producer – has developed an off-the-shelf, rub-on product that anyone can use. If the whole concept had been invented today it would have been named something like “Really Easy-to-Use Wipe-on Foolproof Wood Finish.” (OK, maybe my future is not in product naming.)
Created from a blend of de-waxed shellac flakes and proprietary lubrication solvent, this finish is applied with the standard “mouse” or folded up wiping cloth. It builds up well, dries in minutes and creates a wonderful finish in hours. It has no harmful chemicals, so you need not suit up like a Martian, and you won’t have gallons of nasty solvent to dispose of when you are done either. And on top of that, Zinsser promises a three-year shelf life on the pre-mixed product if stored correctly.
This product is available from woodworking specialty stores and web sites (www.rockler.com, for example). If you have never used it, you should really consider adding it to your wood finishing arsenal. When something is fast and easy to use, has stood the test of time, and produces a superior finish & well, what else are you waiting for? Find out more at www.zinsser.com.