Over the past months, Woodworker’s Journal eZine has kept our readers apprised of developments in the current litigation proceedings between Robert Bosch Tool Corporation and SawStop, regarding Bosch’s skin-sensing REAXX™ Jobsite Table Saw.
To that end, on Dec. 1, 2016, SawStop issued the following press release:
“On Nov. 10, the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) confirmed Administrative Law Judge Thomas B. Pender’s previous patent infringement findings against Robert Bosch Tool Corporation. The ITC will now consider Judge Pender’s recommended next steps including ‘a cease and desist order issue against Robert Bosch Tool Corp.,’ regarding importation of the infringing REAXX saw and activation cartridges into the United States.”
The release continues:
“Dr. Stephen Gass, SawStop’s president, commented on the ITC’s confirmation: ‘We are very pleased that the Commission confirmed Judge Pender’s findings that Bosch infringes our patents. We regret that Bosch chose to introduce the REAXX saw in disregard of our patents, leaving us with no alternative but to defend our rights in court. We have invested millions of dollars in research and development to protect woodworkers from serious injury, and we remain grateful for the U.S. patent system for protecting and encouraging our safety innovations.’”
Bosch did not issue its own press release in response to SawStop’s Dec. 1 announcement, but Linda Beckmeyer, Bosch’s manager of media and public relations, offered this email reply to Woodworker’s Journal:
“At this time, the ITC proceedings are still under way. Recently, Bosch was notified that the ITC decided not to review a final initial determination issued by the presiding Administrative Law Judge, which ruled in favor of Bosch on two patents and against Bosch on two patents. The ITC also set a schedule for further briefings on the matter. We expect that the final decision will not be made until 2017.
Bosch maintains that development of its professional table saw product respects other companies’ patents and represents a new and unique technology in the construction market.
The Bosch REAXX™ Jobsite Table Saw is based on patented innovations created by the Power Tool Institute with advanced development conducted by the engineering team at Robert Bosch Tool Corp. in Mount Prospect, Illinois. This research has resulted in more than a dozen U.S. patents. At Bosch, safety is a priority – and we will work to defend consumers’ rights to buy our products. We believe that advanced REAXX safety technology does not violate any competitor’s intellectual property rights.”
Woodworker’s Journal will continue to provide updates about this case to our eZine readers as information becomes available.