In our continued effort to keep Woodworker’s Journal eZine readers apprised of the current legal proceedings between SawStop and Robert Bosch Tool Corporation regarding Bosch’s REAXX™ Jobsite Table Saw, here are the latest developments.
On January 27 of this year, the International Trade Commission (ITC) instituted a ban prohibiting the import of REAXX Jobsite Table Saws into the United States. A 60-day Presidential review period took effect that day, in which the ruling could have been overturned.
Then, on March 23, Bosch released a statement explaining that, based on the current ITC legal proceedings, it seemed imminent that Bosch would be required to stop sales of the REAXXTM Table Saw on March 27, unless the ITC ruling was overturned.
“This sales hold will be in place until Bosch can clarify next steps through the ITC appeal process,” the release continued.
On March 28, SawStop issued a press release announcing that, effective immediately, the Presidential review period for the U.S. cease and desist order had expired, and the ITC order was in force.
Under those terms, the ITC order directs U.S. Customs to exclude Bosch REAXX table saws, and components for those saws, including cartridges, from entering the United States. Bosch must “cease and desist from conducting any of the following activities in the United States: importing, selling, marketing, advertising, distributing, transferring (except for exportation), and soliciting United States agents or distributors for imported [Reaxx] table saws and components thereof.” (ITC Investigation No. 337-TA-965)
Dr. Stephen Gass, SawStop’s president, had this to say about the cease and desist order: “We have defended our innovation, our hard work, and our investments in developing SawStop technology, and we will continue to protect our intellectual property. We are grateful for the U.S. patent system for encouraging and protecting innovations, and we look forward to continuing to supply the market with safer saws.”
Bosch maintains that development of its professional table saw product respects other companies’ patents and represents a new and unique technology in the construction market. The company also clarifies that distributors who have previously purchased REAXX table saws from Bosch are not impacted by the ITC order and can continue to market and sell REAXX table saws to end users.
Bosch reports that it will continue to provide distributors and end users with service/repair and support for REAXX table saws previously purchased, including the availability of replacement cartridges manufactured in the U.S., which are not subject to the ITC import ban.
“We will continue to fight for our ability to sell REAXX in the future by appealing to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit,” says Linda Beckmeyer, Bosch’s manager of media and public relations.
Woodworker’s Journal will provide ongoing updates about these proceedings as more information becomes available.