AWFS Coverage
“I viewed your coverage of the AWFS trade show with great interest. Thank you.” – Ken Erlenbusch
Which Plywood to Use?
When a reader asked which plywood should be used on our free projects, we confessed that sometimes the best choice is what you can afford. Apparently, this woodworker is on the same page. – Editor
“Which plywood? I’m a novice and use mostly scrap, salvaged material and plywood. That’s the best I can afford. Thus, everything I build is a prototype and nothing is a keeper. But to me, the ones I finish are all gems. The inner satisfaction I get is a good enough reason.” – Robin Porter
We couldn’t agree more. – Editor
“I thought it was interesting that the letters from the blind woodworkers used the word site talking about the website, and seemed to enjoy working with wood without the sight others have. Thanks for your eZine.” – Vince Mackey
Speaking of (web) sites and sight, here’s yet another letter to remind us that people with all levels of visual acuity enjoy woodworking. – Editor
“I have macular degeneration. I can still read and do woodworking with plenty of light and, sometimes, with a magnifier. The eZine is a great help. I have a 24-inch screen and can read the text with no problem. The photos are a great help as they are easy to see in the larger size.” – Jim Dicus
Radial Arm Saw Help
“My wife bought me a Sears Radial Arm saw recently for my birthday. After putting it together, I came to the conclusion that I had better figure out how to operate it. I have looked on the Internet but cannot seem to find a video on how to use it. Can you suggest anything that may help?” – Wayne Meyer
There are books on the subject, but since you asked for a video, try this: Go to www.youtube.com and put “radial arm saw” into the search box. When we tried, the search turned up a whole list of videos on how to set up and safely use a radial arm saw. You might also want to go a bit further than just watching videos. We’d suggest joining your local woodworking guild and making friends there. Our own local guild members are more than happy to mentor other members, and will eagerly teach techniques, tool use, and everything else. We’re betting yours will be the same way. Another good avenue is to take a class on the subject at a woodworking school, continuing education locale, or at a woodworking specialty store. Many Rockler stores offer occasional classes on a variety of subjects. – Editor