Reader Submitted
How to Avoid Spacer Stains When Air Drying?
Spacers are causing stains in a woodworker’s project, and he turns to our experts to find out why.
Gluing End-to-end?
Our experts discuss the pros and cons of gluing short boards together to make longer ones.
Are Molding Cutters a Good Buy and Safe?
Expert opinions range on whether or not molding cutter blades are worth their price.
What are Moisture Meters?
Ellis Walentine answers some common questions about moisture meters.
Dealing with Spotted Plywood
What to do about black spots appearing on poly finished plywood?
Should Everything Be 220V in Your Shop?
A woodworker looks for advice rewiring his shop.
How to Teach Shop Safety to Kids?
A father can’t stop worrying when his daughter enters the shop.
Ways to Prevent Panel Cupping?
This reader has a very detailed question about panel cupping.
Undoing a Mortise and Tenon Joint?
Once you have a strong joint made, what’s the best way to get it apart?
Making Homemade Filler?
Can you mix sawdust and an adhesive to create a filler?