Reader Submitted
Adding Wheels Brings Sweeping Changes
A little lift and added motion is all this user’s vacuum sweeper needed to improve their shop’s dust collection.
Spalting Speculations
Readers chime in about spalting and gray hair.
“How You Got Started” Stories Continue!
Reminiscing continues this week as more readers share how they got started in woodworking.
Reader Histories
Readers share the stories of what got them started with woodworking.
Santa’s Been Busy!
Readers share gift projects they’ve made this holiday season.
Band Saw Blade Holders
When this reader was hard pressed to find an extra pair of hands (or two) to help change his band saw’s blade. He found a simple solution in his kitchen.
Duct Tape Backing Extends Sander’s Abrasive Life
Have you had any issues with sandpaper tearing? This reader has an easy tip for extending the life of thinner sheets.
Low-tech Laser Accuracy for a Miter Saw
This reader wanted laser accuracy on his standard miter saw. He explains how he did it in this reader tip.
Same-height Work Surfaces Maximize Shop Space
This reader had trouble making the most out of his small workshop, this tip helped him make the most out of his limited space.
Honey Dipper Reviews
Readers comment on staffer honey dipper designs.