Michael Dresdner
Fluted Beams: Knot Your Normal Wood
Imagine taking a piece of wood in your hands, then bending and twisting it into any shape imaginable, from a tight curve to a twisted pretzel knot.
Rich Soborowicz: Simplicity Via Subtle Complexity
“I grew up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin,” Rich Soborowicz recounted when I asked him how he got into woodworking.
Old Woodworking Machines: Ironsides, with Babbitt Bearings
The term “old iron” is one that warms the heart of many diehard woodworkers who feel that the venerable cast-iron behemoths of former days represent the golden age of machinery manufacture.
William Thomas: Traditional Education, Traditional Excellence
The North Bennett Street School has a well-deserved reputation for both teaching woodworking excellence and for having a decidedly traditional slant.
Joe Woodworker: Free Advice, 2000 Veneers and Weird Erasers
The man behind Veneer Supplies, a soup-to-nuts vendor of both veneer and the tools to handle it, is Joe Gorleski, Jr.
NW Fine Woodworking: An Artist’s Outlet Comes Full Circle
For skilled woodworkers of the Pacific Northwest, perhaps the most sought-after gallery for exhibition and sale is NW Fine Woodworking.
Greg Novosad: Divine Design
There’s marquetry, which consists of pictures made of inlaid wood and veneers. Then there is trompe l’oeil, which adds the appearance of three dimensions to inlay in order to fool the eye.
Skil: A Venerable and Aptly Named Tool Company
When I first got into woodworking, I was taught the names of tools, like chisels, planes, band saws and the like.
Ken Richards: Elegant Design, Flawless Execution
For the past quarter century, Ken Richards has been designing and making world-class furniture in the Pacific Northwest.
AKEDA: The “Better Mousetrap” of Dovetail Jigs
Kevan Lear did not invent the dovetail jig. Far from it. In fact, for years he did design work for one of the premier dovetail jig makers, a company that is now a competitor.