Michael Dresdner
It’s Summer, So Spray Away!
The sun is out and the air is dry with barely a breeze to be felt. Yep, it’s the perfect weather for spraying finish, both solvent-based and water-based.
The Decking is Beckoning
The arrival of hot, dry weather reminds me that, though it may be tedious to work in, it’s perfect for the annual drudgery of the deck.
Corwin Butterworth: Straddling the Art Forms as a Painter, Musician and Furniture Maker
Corwin Butterworth has a distinctive name: the memorable sort that would fit an artist, a musician, or even a furniture maker.
Alf Sharp: The Best of the Best
The recipient of the 2008 Cartouche Award from the Society of American Period Furnituremakers was Alfred Sharp.
Norton: 3X Paper and Micro Fiber Cloth Ease Waterbased Woes
“It’s not easy being green,” laments Kermit the Frog, one of the Muppets, and that sentiment is quite true of wood finishing.
Spray-Tech: Finally, a Spray Booth for Us
If there is a holy grail for those of us who want to spray but only have a small shop, little money, and weather that won’t let us throw open the windows, this may be it.
Workbenchdesign.net: The Ultimate Workbench Resource
For many of us, our workbench is more than just a piece of shop furniture.
Bad Dog Tools: It’s All About the Carbide
In a nutshell, Bad Dog Tools is all about replacing what many of us see as disposable accessories, like drill bits and grinding wheels, with alternatives that last and last.
Nathan Hunter: Iconic Images in Fine Furniture
Nathan Hunter certainly got an early introduction to woodworking, and eventually became a designer and builder of fine furniture.
JET: Quality and Innovation, at Prices for a Tough Economy
Let’s face it; these are tough economic times, and for many of us, that means putting off major purchases that are not critical. But for those of us who love our woodworking hobby, a weak economy might just be the ideal time for bargains.