Joanna Werch Takes
Greg Brown: A “New England Feel” to Art Nouveau Stylings
Greg Brown originally fell into woodworking after leaving college with a high level of debt, and without the physical therapy specialty…
Russ Filbeck: “Retired” in Time to Volunteer
Russ Filbeck may have “officially” retired in 2010, but he doesn’t seem to be slowing down.
Tony Kubalak: Carving 18th Century Style Furniture (For Fun)
Tony Kubalak has liked the style of 18th century furniture ever since he saw a photo of a Newport shell in the 1980s.
Peter Pihos and Terry Lee: Lasers and Woodworking
A few years ago, Peter Pihos Jr. and Terry Lee were dabbling in woodworking, and had a business in the sign making industry.
Karen McBride: Solving New Creative Problems in an “Old” Studio
Karen McBride’s abiding love of antiques has led her to an adulthood where she’s creating her woodworking within the walls of an antique log home.
Patrick Dougherty: Working with Wood for Stick Sculptures
While Patrick Dougherty says he “works with wood constantly, I usually think of it as a sapling, or as a line with which to draw.”
David Fleming: Carrying Krenovian Craftsmanship into Woodworking
When David Fleming was living in Alaska in the 1970s and 1980s, he learned about woodworking as needed.
Bill Thompson: Finding Beauty in 18th Century Styles
Bill Thompson took shop class in high school — taking advantage of a teachers’ strike that had classes letting out at 11 a.m. to seize extra time in the woodshop.
Doug Degriselles: Rustic Furniture is a Natural Fit
Doug Degriselles used to work as a builder for a company that built log homes.
C.C. Boyce: Useful, Beautiful Things (Plus Humor)
Like many woodworkers, C.C. Boyce grew up with a dad who was a woodworker, with a basement shop. “I kind of learned…