Ernie Conover
How to Turn a Bowl Using a Four-Jaw Scroll Chuck
A scroll chuck can simplify the process of mounting bowl blanks by eliminating the need for a faceplate. In this video, expert woodturner Ernie Conover demonstrates the process of using a scroll chuck to turn a bowl from start to finish.
The Rapidly Rising Cost of Steel
I remember the halcyon days when M2 high speed steel (HSS) turning tools hit the market. No longer did we have to worry about burning at the grinder, and HSS tools held an edge forever — compared to plain carbon steel, anyway.
VIDEO: System Three Clear Coat Finish
Woodturning expert Ernie Conover has found a fine finish for his turnings: epoxy-based System Three Clear Coat adds protection, structural strength and sandability from a long-lasting container (mix only what’s needed).
Turning a Carver’s Mallet and a Wooden Assembly Hammer
This is a nice beginning spindle exercise that is good for beginning turners. While the carver’s mallet is straight spindle turning, the assembly hammer includes some unique lathe drilling techniques that are not easily accomplished on a drill press.
Carving Texture & Patterns into Turned Bowls
Woodturner Ernie Conover shows options for adding decorative carving to turned bowls, including fluted carving and the use of a veining chisel. The Woodworker’s Journal contributor also discusses the best bowl shapes for carving, grain direction concerns, and vise attachment options.
The Sad State of Workbenches (Part 2): What’s Wrong Nowadays
Most woodworkers think they are buying what they need and have never used a proper workbench. Ernie Conover explains why.
The Sad State of Workbenches (Part 1): What Used to Be Right
The second half of the 20th Century has seen a gradual decline of the workbench. Here’s a look back at the zenith of bench design.
Sanding Your Turned Work
While you might be able to avoid sanding a cleanly cut spindle turning, a certain amount of sanding is inevitable with most turning projects. Expert woodturner Ernie Conover shares some of his time-honored strategies for smoothing spindles, vessels and bowls with abrasives.
Turning a Three Leg Stool
Noted turning expert and teacher Ernie Conover demonstrates the process for creating a three leg stool using standard turning techniques. Faceplate and spindle work with a multi-axis turned stretcher create a cool footrest.
Turning Salad Forks
Noted turning expert and teacher Ernie Conover demonstrates the process for creating a simple but elegant set of salad forks on the lathe and band saw.