Ernie Conover
VIDEO: Wood Glue Basics and Application Tips
How to choose and apply the right PVA wood glue for your projects. Know the important factors that impact its use.
Using CA Glue to Chuck a Bowl on Your Lathe
Turning expert Ernie Conover demonstrates how to use cyanoacrylate (CA) glues to help chuck a bowl to your lathe.
Mortise Chisels
Take a closer look at this often misunderstood woodworking chisel. Learn how to cut a mortise using a London pattern mortise chisel.
Creating Chasing Threads on a Lathe
Ernie Conover demonstrates a time tested technique for creating chasing threads using a lathe.
A Young Man’s Interest in Turning Founds Carter and Son Toolworks
While the gouges are everything you could want in a bowl or spindle gouge, the story behind the family that designed and makes them is even more interesting.
Using Scrapers to Improve Your Woodturning
Ernie Conover shows you how to choose and use woodturning scrapers. He shows you his favorite scrapers for turning various projects. He also demonstrates how to use each type of scraper.
VIDEO: Turning Croquet Balls on Your Lathe
In this video, Ernie demonstrates the process of turning your own croquet balls on the lathe.
Using a Bench while Woodturning
Ernie Conover demonstrates how a small bench can make a big difference in comfort while turning at the lathe. You can find the plans for how Ernie built his bench in the May/June 2014 Issue of Woodworker’s Journal.
Disabled Turning Resources
The resources available for woodworkers with disabilities is rapidly expanding. Turning expert Ernie Conover has collected an excellent list of resources for disabled turners, which you can find here.
Creating Secondary Bevels on Bowl Gouges
Ernie Conover shows the technique for creating some popular secondary bevels for your woodturning shop.