Ernie Conover
How to Make a Two Tone Whistle
Ernie Conover takes you step-by-step through the process he uses to create these small musical instruments on his lathe.
Video: Chisel Planes
Learn how to set up and use the Stanley #97 Chisel Plane. This is the plane to use when you need to work into a corner up to an inside edge.
Video: Compass Planes
Learn how to set up and use a compass plane. No other tool available to the small shop can cut as perfect curve.
Video: Router Planes
Ernie Conover introduces you to router planes. You learn how to set up and use them correctly to cut dadoes or recesses for inlays.
VIDEO: Plow Planes
Ernie Conover introduces you to plow planes. You learn how to set up and correctly use a plow plane to cut grooves for drawers and panels.
VIDEO: Rabbet Planes
Ernie Conover shows you how to set up and use a rabbet plane, side rabbet plane and shoulder rabbet plane.
How to Turn Knobs, Handles and Wheels
Our woodturning columnist increases the handmade components in his furniture by custom-making his own hardware.
VIDEO: Hand Plane Shooting Board Jigs
How to use a shooting board jig to plane edge grain and end grain. Plus, plans for making three of the most useful shooting boards.
VIDEO: Smoothing a Rough Board Face with a Hand Plane
Learn how to flatten and smooth a rough board face, including how to set up and use a No. 40 dedicated scrub plane and a No. 5 jack plane and No. 4-1/2 smoothing plane.
VIDEO: Assembling and Adjusting Hand Planes
How to assemble and set up your hand plane for perfect smoothing cuts.