Chris Marshall
T-minus Two Months …
In this issue, Chris counts down to gift giving, mortise-and-tenon basics, miter joinery, plus plans for a tool cabinet and a lamp.
Eye of the Tiger
In this issue, Chris figures out what to do with cool maple, classic joinery, shop table ideas, plus plans for shutters and a coffee table.
Fun with Burls
In this issue, Chris gets burly, prepping stock, a guide to hinges, plus plans for a rocking Adirondack and a workbench.
PROJECT: Adirondack Rocker
We update this classic with a curvy twist to make it an even more enjoyable place to sit.
How Do You Flatten Slabs?
In this issue, Chris tests a tool for flattening lumber, harvesting parts, working with a track saw and plans for a drill press table and a bookshelf.
Are You Sanding Harder or Smarter?
In this issue, Chris shares sanding advice, plus routing with a track saw, making a cutting list, and plans or a clock and a desk.
Box Joints: Practical, Beautiful and Buildable!
In this issue, Chris shares reader opinions on box joints, plus bending wood with kerf cuts, supporting sheet goods and plans for a miter saw station and lumber storage.
Box Joint Thoughts
In this issue, Chris gets worked up about box joints, cutting waterfall joinery, tool clean-up plus two plans for your workshop.
Craft Shows…A Mixed Bag
In this issue, Chris revisits the craft fair, two aids for making cuts plus plans for a wine cabinet and some work chairs.
In Case You Haven’t Heard…
In this issue, Chris gives an update on the state of the Weekly, an intro to track saws, turning a rolling pin, plus a handful of kitchen plans.