In reaction to Rob’s editorial in the last issue of the eZine, delivered on Veterans Day, we heard from some readers who wanted to honor him for his service as well. – Editor
“Thanks for your article. Thirty years as an Air Force Medic (half of which was served as an Independent Duty Medic…went where the docs didn’t go) has instilled a great sense of pride in this nation and the men and women who protect her liberties.” – Harold Feldheiser
“A Corpsman, geez, I hope you weren’t one that was at Great Lakes Hospital when they stuck me in there right after Korea; 1956 to be exact. No, you couldn’t have been. You’re not old enough, but you may have been there at the new hospital they finished in 1965. We had the first set of twins born at the new hospital in June of 1965.
“All kidding aside, the corpsmen at GL took good care of me following my surgery, and they took good care of my family after I got called back for Vietnam in ’65. We appreciated all that the corpsmen did as they saved my bacon on a few occasions.
“Keep writing your wacky stuff as I, for one, like it. That could be a result of the 30 years in the Navy, but I doubt it.” – Bob Hoyle, AEC Retired
“Let me tell you about Navy Corpsmen. They are, without a doubt, the bravest men I have ever witnessed. This coming from an old Marine who served in Vietnam in 1969 in Alpha 1/7. It was a Navy Corpsman who ran through heavy fire and saved my life. Through the magic of the Internet, we made contact and he visited us last week for three days. Without his bravery and skill, I would most certainly be listed on the Vietnam Wall.
“I tell you this to remind you that all Marines look up to our Corpsmen with utmost admiration. Thank you for being there when we needed you.” – Cpl. Phil Young
Doublestick Tape
We also heard from the original questioner in last issue’s Q&A section about the Best Doublestick Tape. After reading our experts’ responses, Lee Walkowski contacted 3M™, who recommended their 9589 Double Coated Tape.
Now we have another reader with a followup tape question. – Editor
“I have purchased some ‘turners’” double-faced tape from a reliable woodworking store. It wasn’t a cheap tape, $12 for a roll. My problem is removing the backing once it’s pressed to the first surface. I find it almost impossible to get an edge started to remove it. I have been using a sharp knife point, picking at it until I can get it to separate. Once started, it comes off easily, but is a bear to get started. Any ideas?” Jim Schenfield
Your thoughts? – Editor