Last Saturday, I spent some time at the Carver County Fair near my home. I, of course, partook of the fare of the fair: bratwurst (with sauerkraut) and sweet corn at the Lions’ food stand and a caramel sundae at the Dairy Building. I also got to see some woodworking projects made by young people at the 4-H Building and the Agriculture Building. They ranged from raggedy to remarkable and made me very happy.
Later this week, I will be at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds, judging student woodworking in the Education Building. I not only get to see the student woodworking projects, but I have been entrusted to present a scholarship from Nordy Rockler (the fellow who started Rockler Woodworking and Hardware) to the young woodworker I think is the most deserving. I have been doing this for several years now and am honored by the opportunity.
So here is to woodworking, alive and well in the 21st century. And here’s to fairs … I can almost smell the mini donuts now!
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal