It has long been a pleasure for me to be associated with woodworkers. We are indeed a diverse group of folks with a wide scope of experience and focus. But while we are in no way a monolithic group, we do share some characteristics. A sense of humor is a requirement in a woodshop, as is a spirit of humility. (Both of which can be a result of the challenges that woodworking brings to us.) There is an esprit de corps — the feeling that we are all in this together — that allows woodworkers of all stripes to commiserate and congratulate our fellow shop rats in their efforts.
And one place that all this and more is demonstrated to full measure is in Rockler Woodworking and Hardware’s Nordy’s Video Contest. Look to our Industry Interview to find out what I am talking about. I think you will find it inspiring as well.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworkers Journal