I’ve been in the woodworking biz for a long time. Early on I worked for a couple of production woodworking companies and cabinet shops. There we sold projects for many thousands of dollars. At one point I struck out on my own and ran a small woodworking business. In the mid 1980s it was a hard slog, at least for me, and the main problem was making a sale. Doing the work was easy.
Nowadays, I see a lot of woodworkers taking advantage of marketing opportunities like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist and other online options for presenting their work for sale. Marketing seems to have become much easier. But is that true? Have you given this a try, and has it resulted in sales? I am curious to hear your experience.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Create Textured Surface on Woodturning Projects
Adding Table Saw Storage
Tired of trying to find his oft-used accessories for his table saw, this reader added a handy hidden storage space to his rip fence rails.