I have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to handheld routers. I have three mid-sized routers, one 3-hp router, and two trim routers. I also have an aluminum body Skil brand router my dad owned in the 1960s … I don’t use it too often (it smells kinda bad when I do), so I don’t count that one.
But despite that, I am finding myself drawn to the idea of a battery-powered router … and I believe that one will reside in my shop pretty quickly.
Why so many routers? There is method to my madness. When I am making raised panel doors, I like to set up three different router stations: one for the cope cut, one for the stick cut and the other for raising the panel. Set them up, lock them in and it is show time!
I also like to leave a small router set up with an 1/8-inch roundover bit. I can break edges in a hurry and get uniform results.
Why am I thinking about routers? Just check out this week’s Weekly videos to find out. There is some great information there that will help you become a better woodworker through routing!
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
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