In last week’s issue, our longtime editor Joanna Werch Takes announced the end of her tenure with Woodworker’s Journal. Many of you wished her well on her next chapter of life. – Editor
“Good luck. While out fishing for your next endeavor, I hope you catch a live one!!! Thank for the memories.” – Ray Kustush
“Good luck with your jungle. Mine is seeing the Johnson grass try (and almost succeed) in keeping up with the Spanish Cane at 6’+. I like your reference, and in your retirement, here is yet another by Douglas Adams you might like to read: “The Prostitute in the Family Tree.” The Bible is funny, according to Adams. In this book, Adams demonstrates how readers can discover this often-neglected humor by looking at the Bible as a whole and seeing biblical stories with all of their rough edges — the unethical and ambiguous characters, the unsolved problems and the surprising endings. Adams argues that by missing the humor and irony of the Bible, readers often mis-intended the meanings as well.” – Riley Grotts
“Always enjoyed your writing. Good luck! I guess it is bad form to ask where you are going, but hope you enjoy it!!” – Tim Frazier
“I’m so sorry to hear you are leaving. Unless you’re retiring … then I’m really happy for you! In either event, you will be missed. I truly wish you the best of luck. Take care and God bless.” – Mike Sztukowski
“Sorry to see you go but hope for the best in your future endeavors.” – Walter Hayes
“I wish you all the best. Thanks for all of your hard work, and know that you will be missed.” – Paul Busic
“Good luck to you and those other pastures. I’ve moved four times (companies) in my career. I finally found the one for me. The pastures are still green after 21 years. I can’t think of a column of yours I haven’t enjoyed. You’re not a good writer but rather a great one. Again, best of luck to you.” – Dell in Kaysville, Utah
“Swans make beautiful music all the time. They don’t care about their location when singing. So when you leave, you will continue to make beautiful music wherever life takes you. It has been a pleasure reading your articles and listening to your opinions on everything wood! We will all miss you. Take care and enjoy this next phase of your life wherever it takes you. Be like a swan — just keep singing wherever you are!!!!” – Leonard McAbee, Jr.
“Sorry to see you go. I wish you the very best. You will be missed.” – David Gandy
“We will miss you. Thank you.” – Andy Mahler
“Over the years you have been a welcomed fixture on the electronic publication and I have enjoyed many of your articles. All the best in your future endeavors. Your smile and inputs will be missed. Thanks for all.” – Charles Buster
“Best of luck to you! Thanks for your contributions.” – Ron Repp
“Good luck with taming the greenery. I retired recently and do not know how I had time to go to work. If you are retiring, then enjoy it! If not, do it as soon as you can … it is great fun. Thank you for your emails and magazines. I signed up for the special offer as a result of enjoying theses newsletters from you and Rob. Kind regards.” – Richard Shepherd
“Good luck on whatever you plan to do next. You will be missed. I’ve enjoyed your time with Woodworker’s Journal.” – Matthew Jungblut
“Only been reading ya a short time but after 21 years I am sure you’re ready for a change. Congrats and enjoy your new life you are moving on to. Take care.” – Gary E. Knable III
“Thanks for your years of dedication and writing! We, your readers, salute you and will miss you — all the best in your next adventure!” – Drew Hession-Kunz
“As I really looked forward to your additions to a fine Woodworker’s Journal’s over the past two years, you are leaving. Just want you to know that your section on the oddities of things was a real joy. You write very well, so hoping that the new chapter in your life’s book will allow you to continue with a wonderful skill in keeping readers interested about a specific subject. Take care; perhaps your name will pop up somewhere in the future.” – Bob Gilda
“Wow, 21 years on the keys. You’ve not only learned about the tools, but you’ve also seen them evolve! Everything’s changed so much so fast in these last 21 years. Tools, electronics, programs and robots. You could just open the door and send the ‘bot out there to look after that lawn while you relax in an easy chair with a nice cool lemonade. I’ve enjoyed reading your articles. We have a knack for taking things for granted, and then one day things change. Hope you enjoy your new adventures! Whatever you decide to tackle, you’ll surely know which tool to reach for. Enjoy the change and the lemonade.” – Ray Roy
“You will be missed. Best wishes for the future.” – Daniel Paretsky
“We’ll miss you Joanna! You have been an excellent editor. Keep in touch…” – Chuck Strauss