Truth be known, I am a bit of a sentimental person. Although for some reason my emotional temperature really revved up after I turned 40-something. I’m told this is a natural part of the aging process. You know … like your brain becoming as smooth as a cue ball and your joints filling up with sand. (Mother Nature, you are a mean one!)
But in the last couple of years, my tendency toward the tender has yielded a sweet benefit. After I lost my tungsten wedding ring (in a pile of sawdust, if you must know) I replaced it with a silicone wedding ring … and it is the clear deal for all of us who work with our hands. First of all, silicone rings will rip apart if caught in a ladder or similar situation that could endanger your finger. Second, they are inexpensive — I have lost three more wedding rings since my metal one went missing. (Not my fault! I am just active!) And third, they look great.
So, save your finger and keep love alive with a silicone wedding ring. Better than sliced bread! (Or a sliced finger …)
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal