Gunstock Stain
As an alternative to Rich Flynn’s rusty iron and vinegar stain, Stan England suggests iron oxide from Alligator Clay Co. Though he admits that at a $1.50 a pound, it costs more than steel wool, it would be less messy!
And English woodworker, Richard Wright, wrote in to share his incredulity that a woodworker’s magazine should even mention guns, let alone provide advice on making them look better.
On Becoming a Master Furniture Maker
Though our experts simply picked up on the term “master furniture maker” used by the original questioner, a few of you read a great deal into their answers and felt obliged to defend America’s and other parts of the world’s favorite woodworker. Both Mark Remely and Australian Trevor Rogers, noted that it’s the show’s producers that use the title, not Norm. In fact, Trevor pointed out that when complimented on a piece, Norm’s humble response was, “I just love doin’ what I do, and I’m privileged to be in the position where I can do it all around the country and with equipment like this & anyone can do it”. Both George Lathbury and John Yoder noted that Norm has done more to get people involved in woodworking than anyone else. George specifically noted the value of Norm teaching good work habits and safety in the shop, and his providing both quality entertainment and encouragement to woodworkers at all levels. As further evidence of his importance to woodworking, a couple of correspondents noted the sheer longevity of his television show and the thousands who loyally watch.
Titebond vs. Weldwood Glue
Andrew Halewood from New Zealand wondered if the white glue referred to is P.V.A. or poly vinyl acetate. In his experience with this glue, yes, the wood will break before the glue, but the nine or so boards used to make a 2m x 1200 x 30 tabletop will move. He prefers Titebond 50 (the New Zealand name) because it sands well, won’t move, and sets below 0 degrees.
Jigsaw vs. Saber Saw
Noting the obvious difference in the appearance of the jigsaw and the saber saw, Larry Margolis wrote that, in his experience, the hand-held jigsaw did similar work to what the stationary jig saw does, but not as fine. From the looks of it, he doubted you could do the same kind of work with the saber saw.
Raised in the construction business, Sam Ramsey recalled that he was always taught that a saber saw was a reciprocating saw with a shoe accessory.
Carter D. Heaner always thought that a jig saw was the hand-held saw shown in our article, and a saber saw was a stationary tool for cutting curves. But then features he’d read about on scroll saws could also be applied to the stationary tool, and he’s seen jigsaws advertised with a “scrolling” feature for precise curves too. He also appreciated the opportunity to further muddy these already murky waters.
Jim Beeson recalled that back in the 50s, the term “jigsaw” referred to a table-mounted machine with a reciprocating coping saw type blade. The blade was supported at each end, and unlike today’s superior scroll saw, power was provided from below.
Keeping Long Stock Square on the Router Table
Steve Michell, representing VersaTool, offered his company’s product as a solution. According to Steve, it’s mostly used with routers and circular saws and hugs the workpiece to the table for more accuracy and safety. Kickback and other potential dangers like hand contact with bits or blades are virtually eliminated.
Non-toxic Finish
Steve Mickley thought that Michael Dresdner’s reply perpetuated a myth about the relative safety of some finishes. According to Steve, all finishes are safe when cured, and there is no need to seek out special finishes.
Pipe Smoker’s Organizer
An anonymous reader took us to task for offering the organizer. From years of pipe smoking, his father developed a cancerous tumor between the vertebrae of his neck and spent the last two months of his life in terrible pain.
Olson Saw Company: Keeping Scroll Saw Blades On Shore
Donald Weimer offered three cheers for a U.S. company that stayed in the U.S. and indicated he’ll look for the brand for his next band saw blade purchase. And Teri Crial and Donald F. Perry each wrote in to applaud a company that believes American jobs on American soil are important.
Which Digital Camera Should I Buy
Another important consideration in buying a digital camera, according to Tim Burris, is whether it has digital or optical zoom. Optical provides sharper close-ups of pictures originally taken from a distance. Rechargeable batteries should also be included among your criteria.
Henry K. “Rusty” Nelson thinks the FujiFilm FinePix 2800Zoom would also be a good pick for woodworkers. The one he bought for work includes a 2.0 mega pixel, 6X optical/2.5X optical/digital zoom, 1.8″ LCD viewer, electronic viewfinder, and movie with sound. It uses AA batteries and has USB connection.
What’s in a Name?
Eli Kovo wrote from Israel that our use of the manufacturer’s name for a tool can be confusing — since he’s not familiar with some of these companies — and he asked if we could use terms that are more generic. Otherwise, he’s found good advice and suggestions in the eZine.