In our last issue, a reader had a question about Fixing Purpleheart-Stained Cherry. Another reader shared a solution that has worked for him. – Editor
“I just read the Weekly Newsletter article, Fixing Purple-Heart Stained Cherry, under the Q&A section, and I may have a trick that will prevent purpleheart from bleeding over onto other woods. Prior to applying a finish, I’ll gently apply a coat of shellac to the project. I say ‘gently’ because the alcohol in shellac can also cause the purpleheart to bleed. However, the advantage with shellac is that it dries fast and helps to seal the wood against the solvents in the final finishing product. And if it does bleed, it’s a lot easier to sand through shellac than other finishes. I’ve been doing this for a few years now and don’t recall having a bleed over problem with either purpleheart or padauk using this method. I hope this is helpful for some folks!” – Larry Schuh