Memorial Day is past and, for those of us in Minnesota, the school year is winding down. (I know, I know, elsewhere in the country is already out – but you also have to go back in the middle of August, which can only be politely described as “stinkin’ hot.”) It’s obvious, from all of the end-of-year parties and celebrations scheduled, that even the teachers are in vacation mode. (As are the publishers: we’ll see what fish stories Rob has when he gets back this time.)
Some woodworkers also go on “summer vacation” from their shops. Maybe you have other outdoor hobbies that keep you busy when the weather is warm. Maybe your shop becomes a heat sink if the thermometer gets above a certain temp. Or maybe you just like to sit out in your shop with a cold beverage and contemplate future projects.
Whatever your woodworking plans, we hope you have a good summer ahead.
Joanna Werch Takes, Woodworker’s Journal