In the January/February print version of Woodworker’s Journal, we featured a queen-sized ash and walnut headboard and frame that was designed specifically to be comfortable for both sleeping and reading. It’s a beautiful piece that succeeds on many fronts. But it’s heavy! Really heavy! In fact my art director says he won’t help me move projects of similar proportions any more.
What I want to know is this: what is the biggest piece of woodworking you’ve ever done? I’m talking woodworking now, not construction or home improvement. Drop me a line and tell me about the white oak Goliath in your woodworking past. Maybe even attach a picture or two for your fellow readers. Big woodworking isn’t always better, but it tends to make for some very interesting tales. When you’ve shared your stories, I’ll tell you about a large piece of furniture that I built and how the police became a part of the tale as well.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal