Which room gets the most attention from my workshop? None! 80% of my woodworking time goes into making small wooden toys, cars, trucks, frogs, elephants, butterflies, Christmas ornaments, pumpkins, candle holders etc for the patients at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. Many I finish, but most I put up in kits, all sanded with wheels and axles for the kids to paint. In 2010, I made 2,505 items.
10% goes into making some sort of wooden Christmas gifts for family and friends. This year was a woven wooden trivet.
Finally, 10% goes into making stuff just because I feel like making it, many are from Woodworker’s Journal magazine, some are larger more detailed trucks from various books.
The cars became kits for the children (any kind of wood I can get my hands on). The gas truck, dozer and crane (all poplar) were some I made then gave to friends. The trivet is the woven trivet made out of cherry.
– Jack A.
South Windsor, CT
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