Mike McGlynn
It was with great sadness that we wrote about the passing of a fine editor, an outstanding woodworker and a dear colleague, Mike McGlynn, and it came as no surprise that others outside our circle admired him deeply as well. – Editor
“Sorry to hear of Mike McGlynn’s passing but I thought you might like to hear what those in the climbing community thought of him. These posts are on a mountain climbing site forum.” – Bob Messier
“I meant to send this email several weeks ago when I first learned of Mike’s passing in Woodworker’s Journal [the print magazine]. I read your article on him in the eZine today, and just wanted to write a brief email. Mike’s articles were inspirational, entertaining, and very well written. In fact, his articles are on my short list of why I subscribed to Woodworker’s Journal. I called him several years ago while he was in the Twin Cities when I had a couple questions and had a nice conversation with him. He was extremely helpful. I always looked forward to his next article, particularly when it involved Greene and Greene influenced design. I’m not sure where I heard or read this, but I thought at one time he was working on an article for some dining room chairs to match the table in your magazine. Is there any chance this is correct? It would be wonderful if there was another article or two of his that could be included in a future issue. My favorite articles in the eZine are the ones that focus on woodworkers and their stories and lives; how they got into the craft, what influenced them, their design interests. Keep those coming please! Again, thanks for publishing the article on Mike. I will miss his presence in Woodworker’s Journal.” – George Huston
As will we, George. Unfortunately, Mike’s last article that was planned to appear in the magazine, the bedside table to complete the bedroom set whose bed and dresser appeared in the January/February 2007 and January/February 2006 issues, respectively, passed away with him.– Editor
Metric Morass
“You told a reader ‘we could not print future plans with metric measurements at the present’ and I am curious just how does one print future plans in the present?” – Bill Hammond
Exactly the point, Bill. You hit the nail right on the head. It’s impossible, but thanks for explaining why to our readers. We could not have done it better ourselves. – Editor
Fall Boards
Rob asked what projects are in store for you this fall, and several readers responded. – Editor
“A couple of us in the church choir are going to build risers. We have plans and material and soon we will have risers. Also I can’t wait for the first hard freeze. Then it is outside without mosquitoes!” – William Larsen
“I agree with you; fall is my favorite time of the year too. I just finished a big desk for my daughter. The desk was huge with full-length drawers about 29 inches long. It turned out great so now my wife wants one this fall. Thanks for a great magazine and a great web woodworking journal.” – David Kuehl
“I’m another who likes fall if not for anything other than the color, but I know it’s time to tune up my scroll saw and to start making mini clocks and Christmas presents.” – Jim Milam
“I am in the early stages of making a corner curio cabinet for my wife. It is something I have promised her for a few years now and I think my skill level is up to the task.” – Tom Delia
“I intend to start fulfilling my wife’s wish list by outfitting all of our bedroom and entrance closets with organizers. After that I’m going to build a set of Mission inspired nightstands for our bedroom. I’m looking forward to trying my hand at cutting some through and half-blind dovetails for the drawers. Sounds like an awesome fall in my shop!” – Jason L. Young
It certainly does. – Editor
“I plan to finish a bookcase for my son, a crib for my seventh grandchild, work to complete the dinning room in process for two years, and redo the shop so I can spend more time working on the project than looking for the proper equipment.” – Paul Sutton
“As October hits, I hit the shop to build for Christmas, the honey-do list, and finally for myself. Unfortunately, the honey-do list keeps growing, and I never seem to get to my wish list. But, this year is different. (I say that every year.) On the list are step stools for my three kids, an entertainment stand, a chest of drawers, and a nightstand, and finally a new miter saw stand for me.” – Roy R. Pietras
Not everyone sees fall as a time of change, though. – Editor
“What’s this returning to woodworking time stuff? I work in my shop almost every day. I am retired and live in Colima, Mexico, the land of eternal spring. My shop is on the roof of my house.” – Al Klob
Premium Quiz
Those of you who read the premium edition of this eZine know that one regular feature is the quiz, but one question in the most recent issue left this reader more confused than informed. – Editor
“I have been receiving the Woodworker’s Journal for a number of years now and had no second thoughts on subscribing to the Premium Edition, but one question on the quiz about table saw tooth grind abbreviations left me wishing for an explanation. I have no idea what ATB, TCG, FT, or CCR stand for.” – Tony Turner
ATB stands for Alternate Top Bevel. It’s the tooth style used on most dedicated crosscut blades, such as you’d put on a miter saw or radial arm saw. As the name implies, the tips of the teeth pitch either left or right in a regular pattern.
TCG stands for Triple Chip Grind. Here, the corners of every other tooth are nipped off and that tooth is a tad higher than the alternate flat topped teeth. The high tooth pre-cuts the material, reducing chipping when cutting plastics and laminates.
FT means Flat Top. Dedicated ripping blades usually have flat-topped teeth rather than beveled teeth. They cut rapidly and cleanly along the grain but make coarser cuts across grain.
CCR is the fake answer. That one, according to quiz author, Woodworker’s Journal Field Editor Chris Marshall, stands for Creedance Clearwater Revival, a ’70s rock band. – Editor
Typo Corner
This time around, our lighthearted homage to garbled typing highlights a common homophone. – Editor
“I hope you can give me some direction on what my next coarse of action should be.”
We’re sure we can offer some fine advice. – Editor