Last time out, I asked the eZine faithful to send in some woodworking-themed haikus. And, as usual, you did not disappoint. We could only pick three winners to receive the great prizes below, but click on over to the “Feedback” section of this eZine to read many more lines of poetry dedicated to your favorite hobby.
The first prize woodworking poetry of the five-seven-five syllable variety goes to Mike Parker, whose entry manages to evoke the yearing for the shop that’s familiar to every woodworker (particularly those who spend more time at our desks than in our shop):
The lumber awaits
The blueprint, the skillful cut,
The well driven nail.
Mike will be getting a $50 gift certificate from Rockler Woodworking and Hardware.
Second prize, a copy of the book, The Collins Complete Woodworker, goes to Gabriel Harris’s entry that summarizes a story which is an old, familiar tale to woodworkers:
Ready for glue-up
Dry fit went perfectly fine
What the hell happened?
And, finally, the third place winner of a supply of Rockler tack cloths, is Thomas M. Scott. His haiku has kind of a zen quality about it:
As more shavings fly,
The less I am inclined
To sweep them all up.
Thanks to everyone who entered and gave all of us at Woodworker’s Journal such fun reading. And Robert Chagnon, while outright pandering to the judges doesn’t necessarily put you in the prize running, it does get you in my eZine editorial. Reading lines like:
“Woodworker’s Journal,
I read cover to cover.
It’s the best ever.”
“If you need advice,
the “Woodworker’s Journal is
thorough and precise.”
Reminds me of why, even when that desk job takes me away from the shop, I still love what I do for a living.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal