Rob-Portrait351If you are seriously in the woodworking business, chances are that you will be in Atlanta this week attending the IWF … aka the International Woodworking Fair. The IWF has long been the venue where the newest and coolest of woodworking tools and gadgetry is first revealed to the public.

For that reason, the woodworking press – yours truly included – descend on the show floor in a manner that would make a ravening locust swarm look like a walk in the park. This year, the Woodworker’s Journal gang will be on the floor in force, and covering the shindig with extraordinary electronic panache. This will allow you, o gentle reader, the opportunity to see what is new and exciting at the speed of light (which is roughly 186,282 miles per second).

We will be creating video reports regularly that will be broadcast via a special blog; there’s not much there yet, but keep an eye on your inbox for an email later this week once the show is in full swing. You can also get easy-to-share Internet updates on our Facebook page. And finally, for those sweet-tweeters among you, look for a constant flow of Twitter tweets.

So, if you are perhaps feeling bad that you are not at the show … our coverage might just perk you up.

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

P.S. Eureka Woodworks, (the sponsor of our IWF blog) has announced the winner of the contest we co-sponsored with them: The Win a Woodworking Business contest. Louise M. Were of Monango, North Dakota, won a complete Eureka producer package. Congratulations, Louise!

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