“Hey, Rob, Chad is in Cub Scouts and he is working on his Pinewood Derby® entry, and I was wondering if we could come over and make use of your shop to get it started?” was the voicemail message on my cell phone one Saturday morning.
I can’t tell you how excited I was to get the message and to answer in the affirmative. So, Sunday evening after church, the Chad and dad arrived with wood, wheels and weights in hand. Discussions soon began on the design, with Chad providing some pretty awesome initial sketches – some of which were even possible to make. As Chad and his (very patient) father drilled down to the final design, which Chad dubbed “Shredder,” memories of making things with my own children provided a rich background for the supremely enjoyable evening.
Is there a point to this story? Only this: share your woodworking time with others, especially children, and I am confident it will enrich your life.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal