This was a practice run! We recently bought a house that was built in the mid ’80s, and all the cabinets throughout the entire house are faced with a “modern” style. My wife and I lean more classical in our tastes, so I volunteered to make new doors for all the cabinets in the house (whew!). This upstairs bathroom was a practice run. I learned some valuable tips from this run.
For instance, I will need a jig to hold the rails when I route the end profile. I don’t have a planer or a jointer, so I used whatever dimensional lumber was available at my local home store. This was done in red oak with polyurethane finish. I was a little afraid that the new doors would not match the old yellow finish, but the oil-based poly has enough of a yellow tint that it blended quite well.
-Fred Koestner
Plymouth, MN