Last issue’s eZine included a video on how to Improve Shop Organization with Magnets. At least one reader doesn’t think it’s a good idea. – Editor
“I just watched Chris Marshall’s video on magnetic bars and have to comment. If I kept my bits/drivers/etc. on a strip like that, I would quit woodworking. What a junk bar! Not only is that a bad idea, it tends to make all those bits and pieces become magnetized, and that can only lead to some situations that should not happen.” -Bob Hoyle
Comments from the Comments: Finish Ideas for Mahogany Garage Door
And, in case you missed it over the holiday season, there are some discussions going on in the comments section for some of last issue’s articles, too.
For instance, a few readers had different suggestions for the reader who submitted the question for our Question and Answers section on What’s the Best Finish for Mahogany Doors. – Editor
“I work with mahogany as a decking material on a regular basis, and the best finish to use is U.V. PLUS by Messmer’s.” -John Vincent Treadgold
“I replaced my old garage door on Martha’s Vineyard (a salty, sunny, humid environment) with a very nice cedar carriage house style garage door. Following manufacturer’s instructions, I finished it with Sikkens® Cetol® clear finish products, developed in Sweden for marine environments. Unlike spar varnishes or urethanes, Sickens does not flake or fail due to UV. Every two years just a washing and a light sanding and a new finish coat and it is like new.” – Bob Beland
One of those commenters had a question, wondering if any of the rest of you had used a particular product. – Editor
“Have you (or anyone in this group) tried using the recent Waterlox exterior finish? The Waterlox interior finishes have garnered a fine reputation and, as an oil, don’t require complete stripping if the wood finish is damaged.” – Valentine
Tips to Avoid Tearout
We also heard additional readers’ suggestions for the questioner who wanted to know How Do I Avoid Tearout When Planing Old Cypress Siding – including this one. – Editor
“We have the same problem with koa in Hawaii. The other option is to purchase a drum sander and use that after one side is flat. It may take more time but you do not ruin the wood. I have a 12″ Grizzly sander that I’m very happy with.” – Clark Griswold