Special Editor’s Note: Throughout this special 10th anniversary edition of the eZine, you’ve been hearing about Woodworker’s Journal, and some of our favorite eZine memories and moments. We couldn’t have had any of those memories, however, without you, the eZine readers – you are as much a part of the history and success of this eZine as any of our staff — and we’d like to hear your eZine memories, too. How long have you been subscribing? Where did you hear about the eZine? And what are your most memorable eZine moments? – Editor
Getting Dust Up and Shavings Out
Of course, even as we’re celebrating our 10 years of longevity, we’re not neglecting the short-term memory of last issue’s eZine. Back then…a whole two weeks ago … the Q&A section included queries about dust collection options and the use of walnut shavings. Here are some reader responses to those queries. – Editor
“Regarding dust collection options discussed in eZine Issue 263: Ms. Nielsen asks which would be better: shop vac or dust collector. May I suggest a hybrid option that I have used for years? Although I have a large, fixed dust collector, I also use a small, mobile dust collector. In addition to use with smaller fixed-base tools, I use my mobile dust collector as a shop vac with a 4″ to 2-1/2″ hose adapter and shop vac hose and utensils. And it’s a lot quieter than a shop vac. If she decides later to install a more powerful dust collection system, the small portable won’t be wasted money.” – Glenn Martin
“I make custom gunstocks from walnut. When you start with a 3″ x 8″ x 36” board, you end up with a lot of shavings. I wad them up, stuff them in bathroom-sized Dixie® cups, and pour in melted paraffin, leaving a half-inch lip. Makes great firestarters. Load your fireplace/wood stove, put a cup under the wood, light the rim, and you’re done. In fact, most wood shavings will do, except some that might give off bad odors or gases. I would avoid exotic woods. Yeah, I know, melting paraffin on the stove is dangerous, so be careful: use a double boiler.” – Tom Poe
Dollar Plans (And an Elephant Air Horn)
Also in the last issue, Rob’s editorial mentioned the Woodworker’s Journal initiative to create $1.00 downloadable plans from projects in our archives. He included a hypothetical example related to an “elephant horn.” We got feedback on that, too. – Editor
“Just in case one of your readers is desperate for such a plan [elephant horn], Google turned up this. Thanks for all your great ezines – I look forward to enjoying them every time!” – Jim Higashi