In the March/April issue of Woodworker’s Journal, you’ll find projects like a Track Saw Jig to optimize your shop and a new take on the Adirondack chair for spring, with two of them built at barstool height. Learn all about the lathe, including what you should look for if you’re buying one, or put your woodturning skills to use by turning a Bird’s Mouth Bowl. Take a new approach to finishing with decorative pattern rollers, make loose tenons mimic the look of wedged joinery, or circle in on a Wall Shelf inspired by the rippling patterns of water.
Tall Outdoor Chair Set: In this upscaled update of an Adirondack, the classic outdoor chair is reimagined in a barstool height, with connecting tables to complete the set.
Track Saw Jig: If a track saw is your go-to tool for ripping and crosscutting, you’ll increase its efficiency even more with a jig that allows for repeatable precision – no more resetting the angle with every cut.
Tool Tutorial: Learn all about the lathe – what it can do, what you need to look for, how to set it up, and more – from woodturning expert Ernie Conover.
Finishing Thoughts: Pattern rollers and peelable coatings add to decorative finishing options for projects made with raw or painted wood.
Decorative Wedged Tenon Bench: Create the look of wedged mortise-and-tenons with a plunge router and a shop-made jig. We give you instructions as well as a sturdy little bench that features the decorative loose tenons masquerading as their classic wedged cousins.
Rippling Water Wall Shelf: The ripple effect is at work in this Weekend Project, both in the concentric circle details (created with a circle-cutting jig) and in the skills you’ll develop (cutting glass, for one) for use with future projects.